Sunday, February 2, 2025

Marché Avenue Saxe-Breteuil

Kate and I took advantage of a sunny Saturday and went to the Marché Avenue Saxe-Breteuil first thing in the morning. The marché is behind the Ecole Militaire and there are great views of the Eiffel Tower on our walk there.

We had flowers, avocados, eggs, tomatoes and bananas on our list this week.
Veggie Stand
Yogurt and Cheese

We bought roquefort cheese at the marché last week for our baguette sandwiches. We had a hard time deciding which flowers to buy.
Flower Stand
Fruits and Vegetables

Kate's Flower Arrangement

The eggs are not refrigerated in France. Eggs are not required to go through extensive washing and the protective coating remains on the egg. So the authorities believe it is safe to sell them at room temperature. However, we put them in the fridge when we get home. It is always a bit unsettling to go to the grocery store and see the eggs just sitting on the shelf. 
Kate at the marché
with a view of the Eiffel Tower
behind the trees

Langoustines Vivante

The longest lines at the marché are always at the fish stand. It is fascinating to see what they offer. The sign on the langoustines (giant prawns) said 'vivante' or living. And they were actually slowly moving. 
We had a view of Les Invalides on our walk home. We love our quartier! 

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