We conquered our jet lag and set out to obtain the necessities for living in Paris-our métro passes and my Amis du Louvre pass to the Musée du Louvre. We had to go to three métro stations before we found one that was manned. Evidently even in Paris workers still take a long lunch break. We headed for Les Halles to go to one of the many Christmas Markets they have around Paris. On the way, we passed someone moving out of his apartment. A conveyor belt runs from the apartment window to the truck. They place boxes and furniture on the platform you can see in the picture and bring it down to the truck.

We passed the Lego Store at Les Halles and loved the detail in the Lego Arc de Triomphe in the window.
We finally found the Marché de Noel, including Santa's little house with his wash hanging out on the porch. We had our first crêpe-Nutella et banane of course!
Sausage Stall at the Marché de Noel |
After the marché, I convinced Kelly to take me to Galeries Lafayette and Printemps to see the Christmas windows. It was about 5:30 pm and the place was mobbed. So many kids and strollers and tourists. I left Kelly, who hates crowds, out on the edge of the sidewalk near the curb while I tried to catch a peek. By the way, the sun sets so early here - at 5 pm - and sunrise isn't until 8:45 am. Seems it is always dark. Or raining.
The windows were fun with lots of animation. Printemps had a transportation theme and Galeries Lafayette was a circus. Hard to do it justice with the photos. We did not try to go inside. Kelly was very happy to get out of there. We have noticed increased security measures this trip. Before we go in large department stores our bags are inspected by security guards.
Printemps Train |
Printemps Siberian Express |
Galeries Lafayette |
I’m happy you made it there in time for the Christmas markets! That conveyer belt mover is awesome!